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Legal Disclaimer

Vani Sistla is not a licensed medical practitioner or licensed psychological professional in the State of North Carolina. Her services are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, prescribe treatments for, cure, or prevent any disease, psychological condition, illness, or symptoms as defined by the FDA and the State of North Carolina, nor does she treat, prevent, or mitigate adverse events associated with a therapy for a mental or physical disease.  Her advice is not a substitute for medical supervision and advice. For the diagnosis, investigation, and treatment of specific medical conditions, please consult a licensed medical or psychological professional if you need help with these conditions. Her goal is to provide lifestyle, nutritional, educational, and homeopathic advice, and stimulate your body's own healing mechanisms and achieve a harmonious balance between mind, body, and spirit.  Any  consultation, hypnotherapy, or coaching provided by Vani Sistla is solely intended to offer you  insight, and in no way constitutes legal, financial, professional, psychological, or medical advice or treatment for which a professional license is required. 


Consultations provided by Vani Sistla, are based upon traditional uses that are not generally  recognized or substantiated by American medical societies or scientific evidence. They are  based upon your informed consent, in private consultation. By participating in consultation,  you agree not to hold Vani Sistla or her website liable for any injuries or damages incurred by  anyone as a result of reliance on or compliance with information presented by them. By agreeing to receive any homeopathic consultation, coaching, or hypnosis, you agree that it is subject to  your own interpretation. You fully accept and assume responsibility for all matters arising out of your participation and you waive claims of any nature that you may have, whether in  negligence or otherwise, as a consequence of participation in consultations with Vani Sistla.


Services or products obtained through Vani Sistla’s website are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance, or treatment. All content on her web site is for general information purposes only. 


Vani Sistla maintains that you take responsibility for your own life at all times. Vani Sistla’s insight during any consultation is to be used at your own discretion. Vani Sistla strongly advises that before making any life changing decision that you seek guidance from a qualified professional. Vani Sistla does not accept responsibility for your choices or actions after a consultation.

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